Add-Drop/Schedule Change Form

EDC 2025 Handbook



Ballet 3 Requirements - Dancers are required to be enrolled in the following classes in order to participate in Ballet 3: Pre-Pointe/Beginning Pointe/Strengthening, Intermediate/Advance Ballet Tech

Ballet 4 Requirements - Dancers are required to be enrolled in the following classes in order to participate in Ballet 4: Intermediate/Advance Ballet Tech, Pointe Tech and optional Ballet 3A Tech

Ballet 5 Requirements - Dancers are required to be enrolled in the following classes in order to participate in Ballet 5: Intermediate/Advance Ballet Tech, Pointe Tech and optional Ballet 4A Tech

*Any parent who feels their dancer needs to move to an alternate ballet level class, must inquire to Nichelle for review and approval before a class change can be made. This is in effect for Ballet Level 2 and higher.


Any dancer electing to either ADD or DROP a class in their schedule at Encore needs to submit an ADD/DROP Form to the front desk. Class capacity, dancer age and prerequisites must be met in order to enroll in certain classes.  Any class additions must be approved by instructor/management and the necessary Add Class paperwork must be submitted. Turning in the Add form ensures that all class requirements are met, that instructors have provided approval and that class capacity is available. In addition, it allows us to be able to adjust your tuition if enrolling after the first of the month when tuition has already been processed.  Students cannot always enter classes that are new to their curriculum, not only for the safety of the dancer, but to maintain the integrity and class level of the other dancers in that class. Please be advised, if you add your child to a class in DSP without prior approval and the necessary paperwork, your child will be REMOVED from that class.  Dropping or withdrawing from a class at Encore also requires this same form. Thank you for your cooperation.


A 30-day notice must be given to discontinue/withdrawal from any lessons at Encore.  This notice must be given during the first week of the month that is to be the student's last month of instruction.  Otherwise that month's tuition is due upon withdrawal. If a student withdraws prior to our annual performance in June, and costumes have already been ordered, that costume becomes the property of Encore Dance Centre and no costume refund will be given.

In order to freeze a class, you are required to pay for the month you are freezing up front and upon your return you will be credited for the month you froze.   This holds your child’s position in class and abides by the Encore’s 30-day withdrawal policy. The freeze period is a maximum of 60 days. After 60 days you are considered withdrawn from Encore and the freeze payment is applied to your 30-day withdrawal.


Wearing appropriate dancewear and shoes in class is very important. It allows the dancer freedom of movement and provides the instructor with "line of sight". This allows the instructor to see the body alignment clearly, allowing feedback and corrections for proper placement, helping the dancer to grow and improve. NO EXTENSIVE JEWELRY ALLOWED IN ANY CLASSES.

JAZZ, LYRICAL, CONTEMPORARY: Fitted dance wear must be worn. No street clothes allowed. Jazz or Character shoes recommended but not mandatory.

TAP: Fitted dance wear must be worn. No street clothes allowed. Tap shoes must be worn.

HIP HOP: Loose fitting street clothes are acceptable as long as the instructor can see your feet. Clean tennis shoes used specifically for class and not for every day use or jazz shoes should be worn.

BABY TOTS, TINY TOTS and TAP/BALLET COMBO: Any dancewear is acceptable for these classes with ballet and tap shoes required.

BEGINNING OR LEVEL BALLET: Please refer to chart below for dress code.

BALLET: Students are required to wear a black leotard for all ballet classes levels 1-4 and ballet fundamentals. Ballet 5 and 6 may wear colored leotards. Students in ballet fundamentals and ballet 1-4 must wear pink footed tights and they must be worn inside your dance shoes. Students in ballet 5 and 6 only may wear black tights. Pink ballet flats/pointe shoes are required for all ballet classes. Ballet skirts and fitted ballet sweaters are permitted with teachers’ permission. In cold weather, ballet knitted shorts and legwarmers may be worn for barre only. No shorts, t-shirts, sweatshirts or any oversized baggy clothing allowed.

Hair must be neat and off the face. Proper bun with a net and no wispies only. Pull back with the use of hairspray or gel if necessary. If your bangs are below your eyebrows they must be pinned back neatly. If your hair is too short to be pulled back into a bun, the front must be back off the face. Bobby pins or headband are permitted.

COMBO TAP/BALLET: (AGES 7-10YRS ONLY): Black leotard with pink tights and ballet shoes. Black tap shoes.

JAZZ REPETOIRE: All black attire is required (leotard, jazz pants, tights and shoes).

Boys are required to wear black tights or dance pants, white T-shirts, white socks and black or white ballet shoes.

Leotards, tights and dance shoes are available for purchase at Encore for your convenience through Revolution Dancewear. Please see the front desk to place an order.


Combo Tap/Ballet (7-10 yrs old) - Black Leotard – Tank or Camisole
Ballet I - Black Leotard - Tank or Camisole
Ballet II - Black Leotard - Tank or Camisole
Ballet III - Black Leotard - Tank or Camisole 
Ballet IV - Black Leotard - Tank or Camisole Ballet V/VI/VII - Any Color Leotard - Tank or Camisole
Ballet Tech, Pointe Tech & Beginning Ballet- Black Leotard - Tank or Camisole

Please Note: Hair nets and bobbi pins is the dancers sole responsibility, not the instructors. Any dancers not properly dressed (including hair) for any class will be asked to sit out and observe.